The first step in developing an idea is to seek inspiration. One can find inspiration in a variety of ways and in a number of things; inspiration is not limited to one form. Designers must actively be on the look-out for inspiration; one cannot wait for inspiration to come on its own. Inspiration is needed at the beginning of a project and it is crucial for designers to constantly re-inspire themselves throughout the design process. According to Aspelund, designers should strive to “let go” and open themselves up to the mass flow of creative energy to achieve a state of “divine madness.” Achieving “divine madness” allows designers to let their emotions run rampant and go wherever and however they wish. Inspiration can come from anywhere as illustrated by this cellist surrounded by a snow covered thicket.
The musician is utilizing his/her surroundings as a source of inspiration. Another source of inspiration that can and should be practiced by designers is “playtime.” Playtime allows designers to think, explore, and experiment with new ideas and methodologies. Playtime is essential to the creative success of designers because without it, projects would not be as fun and exciting as they should be, they would be drag and tedious. Playtime also presents designers with the opportunity to expand their source of information by creating and adding new experiences to it on a consistent basis. However, designers must be cautious about their playtime because it could lead to “creative procrastination,” in which, designers lose focus on the heart of their project. Designers will have so much fun researching that they begin to convince themselves and others that the research they're conducting is conducive to their project when, in reality, they have strayed light-years from the original project idea.
Lastly, one of the exercises presented that would be the most beneficial would be to create a design journal.According to Aspelund, a design journal is basically an illustrated account of the design process used to inspire and motivate designers. It is almost like a design diary in which the information documented within the journal has a specific meaning to that designer alone.
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