Our assignment for today was to bring in 3 unrelated images that told a story. We were asked to lay our stories out on the desk tops and we proceeded to walk around looking at each others’ work. Jimmy took some stories and pinned them to the wall and asked us to find the best story of the one’s presented in class. Jimmy left us, we discussed the stories in detail, and voted to find the best image sequence. When Jimmy returned to class, we revealed the winner and spent a good while discussing the image sequence/story in more detail. We then tried to come up with a good title for it and went on to discuss the other stories in class. Some were a little confusing, some were entertaining, and others were very basic, but all in all, I believe the majority of the class was successful on the assignment.
A TED Talk from John Maeda was next on the ‘to do’ list for the class. Maeda’s talk was about simplicity and if there were two things I took away from the talk they were that humans like complexity and that “simplicity is living life with more enjoyment and less pain,” as stated by Maeda. Maeda broke it down to basically mean that if one wants more of something, it’s because it is enjoyable, but if one wants less of something, it’s because it is considered to be work.
To conclude the class period, Jimmy assigned us another assignment involving finding images, but this time, the images are to reflect the 7 deadly sins. I’m excited to see what my classmates bring in for this assignment.
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