Monday, April 25, 2011

•:*Thinking Outside the Box*:•

Today we reviewed our assignment in class. We moved the desks to the back of the class and arranged our assignments against the front wall, 4 at a time. It was a long day and even Jimmy seemed to become restless towards the middle of the review. We didn’t finish going over everyone’s assignments, but overall, I believe it was a worthwhile experience. Our assignment was to find an image and present 10 different words or phrases that would change the meaning of the image. I chose the image of a palma; the image was simple in nature to allow my classmates a chance to see how the image would change with each phrase. Unfortunately, I wasn’t successful in changing the meaning of the image 10 different times, but I tried. I didn’t want to play it safe and choose obvious words and phrases, but I ended up choosing some that were way outside the box. We were then assigned our next assignment which is to find a word or phrase and find 10 different images that change its meaning.

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